High Marbling Japanese Wagyu Cattle and Wagyu Beef
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Wagyu Beef Packages
Wagyu Steaks and Cuts
JB's Kobe Style Beef-Home Page
Wagyu Beef Packages
ON SALE - Purebred Wagyu Steak and Burger Package. 1 Wagyu Rib-Eye, 1 Wagyu KC Strip and 12 Wagyu Burgers - $125.60
ON SALE - Purebred Wagyu Steak and Burger Package. 1 Wagyu Rib-Eye, 1 Wagyu KC Strip and 12 Wagyu Burgers - $125.60
JB Kobe Farms Wagyu Strip Steak
Package of 6 1/4 lb Wagyu Patties From JB Kobe Farms
$125.60 - $10 off normal price
Item Number:
Holiday 1 $30 off
* Whole number only
Purebred Wagyu Steak and Burgers Package,
1- Bone-In Rib Eye Average Weight 1.15 lbs
1-KC Strip Average Weight 1 lb
12- 1/4lb Burger patties and
Thats $10 Off normal prices. Take advantage of this offer and try some of the best beef available in the USA.
Purebred Wagyu Raised by us for you. Enjoy some of best Wagyu available in American by Small Producer.
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